Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tammy, Sick Day

Today was a mixed bag.  We had a fun visitor on saturday night:  Chris's friend Tammy! She stayed over and played with the girls. Kate really took a shine to her, since Tammy is a librarian and Kate loves books.  They bonded over the Christmas Cookbook that is Kate's current obsession.
Unfortunately we had a double-whammy Sunday morning:  Chris was very sick with flu-like symptoms, and Brenda had a leg injury from her hockey game late saturday night.  Since Chris basically could not get out of bed, Brenda downed some advil and caffeine, made the girls breakfast, then took them to Nana's house for the morning.  Nana watched them while Brenda cleaned the house and took care of Chris, then she dropped them off back at home in the afternoon.  Grandma L. came over later and helped Brenda with the kids' dinner, bath, and bedtime.
It was really wonderful to have so much help from family on such short notice. Brenda always says that Chris is the "glue" holding the family together, and today it was proven.  It took three people to do what Chris usually does by herself all day (take care of the kids and cook, clean, wash, etc.)!  Days like today also make us remember how lucky we are to be in good health and to have decent insurance.

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