Friday, October 31, 2008


When you are a family with toddlers, holidays don't always go as planned.  Tonight we went trick or treating, but only to a few houses because it was a little overwhelming for the girls.  They did have fun picking out their costumes (home depot workers, which won out over ballerinas in a close contest).
We trick or treated at Melinda's, Millie's, Nana's, and Grandma & Grandpa L.'s house, and that was all the girls could handle.  A late night, combined with scary decorations and lots of sugar meant an early end to the festivities.  We think it will be more fun next year, when they are a little bit older!Melinda's dog Grizzly really enjoyed our visit (see his snout in the bottom of the photo).

1 comment:

  1. Home Depot workers...hee, hee...sounds appropriate for the daughters of lesbians. :) Sorry...I had to say it! -Tammy
