What a busy day! First Mama took Emily to gymnastics while Mom took Kate to Home Depot, then after lunch we all headed up to Fairfield for the Chocolate Festival (how could we resist something called that?).
Check out the photo below--somehow a big red heart got into the exposure, just in time for Valentine's Day--pretty cool!

The festival was taking place in the same building where the kids had their preschool holiday concert, but it sure looked different today.

There were lots of different vendors selling all kinds of candy, chocolate, and chocolate-themed stuff. It was a little bit overwhelming.

For someone with a sweet tooth, it was a little bit like heaven!

The girls each got to pick out a treat--Emily picked a blue dog and Kate picked a pink and white kitty cat.

We walked around and looked at all the booths...there were lots of free samples....

...which we all enjoyed....

....we got to meet the Nestle Quik bunny....

....and the kids got balloons from a creepy-looking guy wearing a jacket that said "Sugar Daddy".....

...and then, to top it off, they got their faces painted. Emily requested an alligator....

....and Kate got a pretty pink flower.

We were still riding high from all the sugar at the Chocolate Festival, and nobody wanted to go home yet, so we decided to drive up to Skowhegan to the New Balance factory store. The kids needed new sneakers, and Mama was looking for some running shoes.

It's amazing how fast the kids are growing. Emily needed a size (kids) 12, and Kate is already into a 9.

Trying on shoes is fun, especially when it involves dancing....

...and running around!

Everybody found the shoes they wanted, so the trip was a success!
Sugar Daddy looks like he belongs at PeopleofWalmart.com!