Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentine Production

We have been in full-on valentine production for the last few days, with Mom leading the charge. Mom got an idea from a website for a particular craft and thought the girls might want to try it--it's called "Thumbprint Hearts".
Here she is demonstrating: You dip your thumb in red paint and then press it down on the paper, making a nice heart shape. After the paint dries, you add eyes, arms, and legs and it looks really cute.The girls loved the red paint (and the whole idea of finger painting) but nice neat hearts were not exactly what they produced.The painting phase didn't go exactly like Mom had planned, but at least the kids enjoyed it!After the valentines had dried we moved on to the next phase. First the kids had to sort them all out (Kate's are pink, Emily's are green).... ....then they got to put on the stickers that we got at the craft store........which is a very serious job (as Kate is demonstrating with her Serious Face below)........and then the girls' favorite: Glitter Glue! Mom put newspapers down for this part, because (as our blog readers probably already know) glitter glue can get pretty messy.The glitter glue is lots of fun--they squeezed it on then spread it around with their fingers.The valentines were looking pretty good by this point (at least the girls thought so, and that's the important part).Tonight we put the finishing touches on them: Each girl signed the back of her card, and Mom wrote the recipient's name on the front.
Making the valentines has been quite a team activity!
So here is a picture from the crafty web site that shows what the "Thumbprint Hearts" are actually supposed to look like:And here is a representative example of what most of our valentines look like:Not too shabby!

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