Sunday, January 31, 2010

Coast Guard Icebreakers

This morning we read in the newspaper that three Coast Guard icebreakers were working on the Kennebec River! They were clearing ice south of Gardiner to try to move a big ice jam there that has been causing lots of flooding.
We were all pretty interested in seeing some icebreakers in action, so we got out the atlas to scout out a spot by the river to watch them.
After breakfast we bundled up real well (the temperature was about 10 degrees) and hit the road. First we found the ice jam itself, located just south of Hallowell:
It was really neat to see all the ice clogging up the river. We could also see where some of the flooding had happened over the last few days.
Here is somebody's ice fishing shack that didn't get moved off the river in time:Then we found the icebreakers right away! They were still tied to the dock at the Gardiner boat launch, getting ready to go to work. There were a few other interested local folks coming to check them out too.The boats were both cutters: The CGC "Tackle" and the CGC "Bridle". The CGC "Morro Bay" is a bigger ship, and can't get this far upriver, so it was breaking ice downstream past Richmond. These boats look small, but they are built to break ice and their hulls are very strong.In the background is the Gardiner Bridge, which is the farthest upstream that these two boats could go. In the photo below you can also see some of the damage to the handrail that the ice has done recently. The locals told us that this handrail was brand new, just finished this fall.It was too cold to stay for long, but we did manage to meet some real Coast Guardsmen........and to see them swing into action when the captain gave the signal.......and get ready to push off and go to work.Unfortunately the kids hit their limit with the cold temperature so we had to hurry back to the car and crank on the heat, and we didn't get to see any actual ice breaking happen.Still, it was a fun adventure just seeing the ice, the river and the boats ready to go!

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