Yesterday our biggest little girl turned four (!) and we had a party to celebrate Emily's big day. Her guests included her cousins...

....Uncle Seth and Aunt Sara....

....Grandma and Pop Pop....

....Nana, who made her a special birthday cake, and of course Kate and the moms.
Emily got a lot of great presents to open....

...including this cuddly blue robot (thanks for the suggestion Hilary!) which was a big hit. As soon as she opened it, she ran around the house jumping for joy....

....until she collapsed from joy exhaustion. What a great reaction!

She also got some nice other presents, including a set of Scooby-Doo classic villains (thanks Ebay!)....

....and four whole dollars to spend on anything she wants! She actually seemed to understand what the dollars were for, as she started talking about what she wanted to buy at the store.

Then Nana unveiled her special cake--it was Charlie the Robot from Scooby-Doo!

We all thought Nana did an incredible job with the cake, especially when compared with the actual Charlie:
Very impressive Nana!

Emily looks glum in the photo below, but that's only because she didn't want to wait for another photo before eating her cake--she was actually in a great mood throughout her party.

We all couldn't wait to enjoy the cake--it looked delicious....

....and it was!

After cake we went up to Emily's bedroom to admire her final present--a beautiful map that she can look at in bed. Everyone thought it was pretty neat.

Then it was time for the kids to work off their sugar high--a game of Twister works pretty well for that.

It's always fun to celebrate with family. Happy birthday Emily!
Happy Birthday, Emily!! Looks like it was a fun party.