The time has come for the kids to start contributing to the household chores, and we're starting with an easy one: Feeding the dog. To help make it more exciting for them, Mom made this hanging tag to identify whose turn it is (yes, that is supposed to be a full dog dish in the middle of the two photos).

The tag hangs on a hook right by Connor's food and water bowls. Tonight it was Emily's turn, as she is gleefully pointing out below.

The chore is pretty easy, but involves a lot of different steps (some needing parental supervision). Step one is to fill up the water dish in the bathroom sink.

Step two is to take the food dish out to the garage, get the lid off the tub, put one scoop of food in the dish, then put the lid back on. It's harder than it looks to get that lid back on!

Step three is to get the powder bowl (enzyme powder for Connor's tummy) and put one scoop of powder on top of the food. This seems to be the part the girls like the best--for some reason they love scooping powder.

Here Emily has completed all the steps and is triumphantly bringing the food dish back to its spot, while Kate looks on.

Finally, she gets to flip the tag over to Kate's photo for tomorrow night. Mission accomplished!

It's just a small chore, but it's a start towards the kids being contributors to the household instead of being waited on all the time.

Plus, having a job to do can make you feel very special!
What a fantastic idea!!!! I think we will have to put that tag into use at our house!