Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Halloween Revisited

Tonight we went on a family shopping trip (yes, to Walmart) and the kids insisted on wearing their Halloween costumes again.
Somehow it didn't seem too odd to watch a little robot and pixie in the toy aisle.They found lots of new things to add to their Christmas lists.And there was some intense lobbying for certain "Super Why" items.We got a few comments on their outfits, but not as many as you might expect. Apparently it's somewhat normal to shop in costume at Walmart.


  1. Addison enjoys "Super Why" as well but so far the Sesame Street toys win out. I think costumes at Wal-Mart are probably fairly typical. If you ever have a spare few minutes and need a laugh, check out peopleofwalmart.com - makes me laugh out loud!

  2. jamie, thanks for the link--that site is hilarious :)
