Sunday, November 29, 2009

Waiting for Santa

Saturday night we attempted to watch the Christmas parade in Waterville, but our effort fell a little bit short. The parade had been postponed from Friday night (due to pouring rain), and Saturday was dry but still pretty chilly. It started at 6:00 so after dinner we bundled up and headed downtown.
There was a big crowd and not a lot of organization. Nobody had stopped the cars from parking along Main Street during the day so there were a lot of cars blocking the view, and it was hard for us to see anything.We had a plan to put the kids up on top of this garbage can when Santa actually arrived (see Mama's demonstration below), so they could see something.But the parade started late and the kids got bored, adding to the fact that they hadn't napped and had refused to eat much of Mama's home-cooked dinner.After waiting about an hour for a glimpse of Santa, we called it a night and headed for home. Emily wondered if maybe Santa got lost, but we reassured her that he would definitely be able to find our house on Christmas Eve.Next year we might try the Augusta parade, which we hear is a little bit easier to watch.

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