This morning we said goodbye to Mama, Nana, Alana, and Lili as they headed down to New York for a 3-day trip. We hope they have a great time!

Mom had a fun plan in store for the kids: Old Orchard Beach! Even though the forecast said there was a 100% chance of rain, we figured it would still be fun because the crowds would be small. Grandma and Pop Pop get the Good Sports award for joining us on our soggy adventure.

We hit the rides as soon as we got there. Surprisingly, Kate didn't want to go on a single ride. She was quite content to watch her sister enjoy them....and enjoy them she did! Emily tried everything, from driving a hot rod.... spinning in a giant bear (with Pop Pop).... driving a teacup (and she had her pick of colors).

We were sure right about the lack of crowds. We practically had the place to ourselves!

Emily got more bold as the day went on. She tried out a motorcycle...

....rode on a whale....

....flew a cropduster....

....and an elephant(!)....

....and she even went up real high in the Ferris Wheel with Mom. What a view!

It was such a joy to watch Em enjoy the rides. We could tell she really felt like she was driving (or flying), and it was such a thrill for her. She waved to us from all the rides, and her smile was so contagious, it got us all smiling, despite the rain.

After all those rides we decided to grab some lunch. Old Orchard Beach is a very touristy spot, and there were lots of walk-up windows with standard "Fair" food.

We went with hot dogs, apple juice, and a bucket 'o fries.

Kate was in her element at lunch. Rain or shine, Kate loves her some Fair food.

After lunch we went back to the car to get our beach clothes, and we headed out to the surf. Em had seen the beach from the Ferris Wheel, and she was very excited.

Kate was not quite as excited....she didn't like the feel of the sand on her feet at first, but she slowly made her way down to the surf.

As we saw at the waterpark yesterday, Emily is in her element in the water. It was surprisingly warm, and she could have played in the waves for hours.

Em wanted to go farther and farther out, but Mom had to set some limits.

Emily would like to live at Old Orchard Beach, if possible.
Kate, meanwhile, was finding out how much fun it is to make footprints in the sand.

After the beach we had a special snack: Ice cream with sprinkles!

Then we headed back to the car, and dried off for the trip home.

We had a great time at Old Orchard Beach today. A big thank you to Grandma & Pop Pop for helping out so much!
Finally, here is a little video of Emily enjoying the surf.
Excellent blog!
ReplyDeleteEmily looks SO joyful!
That's a great video. Reminds me of growing up in Ireland where the Atlantic was always warm and it was usually rainy too. :)