The last day of the Trek dawned overcast and windy, with scattered showers. We were sore, but ready to finish strong. Since we biked home from Colby last night, we got a good night's sleep at our own house, and Emily got to send us off in the morning (Kate was still asleep when we left).
Once again, the rest stops proved to be an oasis of food, drink, and socializing.
We even had a sign along the way! Who knew we had fans?
When we got to Chris's old neighborhood, our friends the Smiths, Mark, and Melinda were there to cheer us on.
And in Belfast at the finish line were our biggest supporters: Nana, Uncle David, and Emily and Kate!
Team Captain Chris finished first, of course, but Brenda, LeeAnn, and the rest of the team soon followed.
Everyone rode strong today and we were all proud to don our finisher's medals.
Grandma & Pop Pop looked like they could do another twenty miles!
The kids were pretty glad that the Trek was over. We promised "no more three day bike rides". (Well, not until next year at least).

In fact, we enjoyed this experience so much (and raised so much money for such a good cause), that we already registered for the 2010 Trek Across Maine!

You guys are awesome. I'm totally inspired. Tell Emily and Kate I'm gonna join them in the future training program. Cheers!