Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tot Clock

Now that it is light out so early, Emily was getting into the habit of waking up at 5:00 and coming downstairs, waking up her moms, and wanting to start her day. Needless to say, this did not go over so well with the moms! The problem is that Emily cannot tell time yet. So, we did some research and ordered a "Tot Clock", which we put in her room a few weeks ago, and it has made a world of difference. The face of the clock changes colors when it's okay for Emily to leave her room and come downstairs. Brilliant!
Of course, it helps that Emily absolutely loves her tot clock, and is willing to do whatever it tells her.
Tonight before bedtime Emily demonstrated how she wakes up in the morning, sits up in bed, and checks her clock. A blue clock face means go back to sleep, and a yellow clock face means time to wake up! The wake-up time, of course, is pre-set by her moms. 
As I mentioned before, brilliant.Emily tried to demonstrate what she looks like when she's asleep, but it was hard because she couldn't stop smiling.Thank you Tot Clock!