Thursday, December 17, 2009

Barbie Nutcracker

Okay, before you say anything, yes we are anti-Barbie as a rule. But there is a movie called "Barbie Nutcracker" that the kids absolutely love, and that we find watchable also. We first watched it (on VHS tape) at Nana's house, and then Mama found it on Youtube so we can watch it at home on the computer.
The girls don't just watch it, of course. They like to put on their pretty dresses, have us clear out the dance floor, and then they dance along to the story. There are lots of great action scenes in this movie--run, Barbie, run!Barbie Nutcracker is one of those great activities that keeps them entertained at the same time that it wears them out--perfect!Usually Kate is all about dancing too, but tonight she seemed to be taking a break and watching her sister bust the moves.Whether it's dancing, wrestling, running races, or something else, as long as they are playing together nicely before bedtime their moms are happy!

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