Monday, December 14, 2009

Unfortunate Craft Project

Here's what we found after a few minutes of letting the girls play upstairs (in the playroom, next to the office) quietly by themselves:
Yes, it is a craft project made out of U.S. postage stamps. We can't blame the kids, because we never told them that these stamps are "special". We should have kept them out of sight--we'll chalk that up as a lesson learned for the moms!


  1. Oh my goodness. That is pretty funny!

  2. I am sitting getting a side ache from laughing!

  3. I bet you can soak them off and use them. (My dad and hubby are philatelists)

    About a year and a half ago I bought the kids pricey height charts with stickers that go specifically with each year. they found them and put the stickers on every which way. I was furious! I carefully peeled the stickers off, but now they don't really stick properly. I need to glue them on. grrr. still makes me mad thinking about it!
