Friday, December 25, 2009

Sledding Party

After the excitement of Christmas morning, the girls wanted to go outside and try out some of their new toys.
First they gave some of the toys a ride around the driveway in the new wagon.......then they tried out their new sleds!It hasn't snowed for a few days, so the hill had a little "crust" on it, and was very fast. As always, pulling the sled back up the hill is the hardest part. Notice that both girls are giving their new toys a ride back up in the sleds.We had so much fun in the morning that we decided to call an impromptu sledding party for the afternoon! Several of the kids' preschool buddies (and their families) made it over.Emily's BFF Cole came over, and he brought his whole family, including his older sisters Cleo and Jess. The Bonney boys also made it over, and brought their mom with them too.Kate was thrilled that her friend Julia came over with her mom.Kate and Julia didn't do too much sledding, but they had a good time reshaping the hill.......and trying out some rump-sliding!Meanwhile the grownups had some adult beverages........and the kids hit the slopes! Our hill is perfect for sledding, since it has a long flat run-out in the field. This means that you can get a lot of speed up, but it's still impossible to slide all the way into the road.Emily likes sledding, but she likes it even more when she's doing it with a group of friends. She just kept climbing up and going down, over and over.Both she and Cole were intent on setting new records for speed and distance.Eventually the kids collapsed from exhaustion, and we had to call it a day.It will definitely be an early bedtime tonight!

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