Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fixin' the Driveway

Most of our snow has melted (except a little snowbank behind the basketball hoop--you can see it in the photo below), so now is the time to make some crucial driveway repairs. Today after breakfast Mom and the girls headed down the hill with some tools.
By the time we got to the big puddle, Emily had shed her hat and coat. It's hard work pushing a wheelbarrow!A small sinkhole has developed over the culvert on one side. If we just ignore it, it might turn into a BIG sinkhole.So we scraped up some dirt from the middle of the driveway........raked it smooth (although the rake works better if it's right-side-up)........then filled the hole and stomped it flat.Then we dug a diversion trench uphill of the sinkhole, so water (hopefully) can't get to it anymore.Finally, we dug a little cross-driveway trench to drain the big puddle. Emily loves to work with tools and is really a big help on these projects. Kate is more of an observer at this point, but she likes to tag along.

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