Friday, April 3, 2009

Town Library & Fort

Tonight the weather was bad, so after dinner we went straight to the town library without stopping at the playground. Before going into the library, the girls usually like to check out the replica of Fort Halifax in the parking lot. It's just their size! 
There's a cannon in the foyer too--fun!The girls wanted to wear dresses tonight, but we made them put on pants underneath, since it's still pretty cold. 
We are working on using our "quiet voices" when we visit the library........which is good because the librarians here are pretty serious folks.The girls noticed right away that there was something funny going on in the kids' section. First they found a gorilla on top of a stack of blocks.Then they noticed a dinosaur eating one of the movies! Mom figured it out when she saw the bored high-schooler "working" in the area.Every time we come here the girls try to play checkers, but they still can't get past the first move.When we were ready to go, Emily won the contest for "who gets to hand the librarian Mom's library card", but Kate wasn't too upset about it.She treated herself to a drink at the water fountain to make up for it.Since it was still daylight when we left, we decided to drive by the REAL Fort Halifax. This blockhouse was built in 1754, and was used to help the colonists defend against the French before the American Revolution. It is the oldest blockhouse in the United States, and it's right here in our town!

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