Mama has been very busy lately cutting down the brush on our sledding hill in anticipation of winter fun. Tonight after dinner the girls went out to "help" her.

Emily in particular really likes to work with Mama. She hauled a whole bunch of brush over to the new pile.

She usually hauls more than one piece at a time, but here she was demonstrating to Mom the correct way to carry it.

Kate, meanwhile, busied herself running circles around the pile. Today she shocked her moms by agreeing to wear jeans, which she hasn't worn in at least five months. The jeans seemed to make her feel more powerful, which she demonstrated by running and jumping over sticks in a very un-Kate-like way.

Emily really worked hard at building the pile up. She remembers last year's bonfire and wants another big one this spring.

The forecast is for cold, rainy, possibly snowy(!) weather soon, so after we worked on the brushpile Mama decided to pull up her remaining bean plants out of the garden and hang them in the garage.

The kids thought it was pretty great that Mama hung the beans. They wanted to hang up the rest of the garage stuff too!
It's funny how kids are so different. Teo could care less what I dress him in everyday. Sometimes I ask for his input, but he is noncommittal. He does notice if it's a new shirt, though. He'll say something like "Oh, there's a dinosaur on that shirt. I like it."