Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our 15 Minutes of Fame

As most of our faithful blog readers know, the citizens of the State of Maine are preparing to vote on same-sex marriage three weeks from now. If it is legalized, it will be the first time in the country that it will be done by popular vote.
After much deliberation, we agreed to be interviewed by the local paper about how legal same-sex marriage would affect our family. Today the story ran in three papers (Waterville Morning Sentinel, Kennebec Journal, and Portland Press Herald) and we experienced our 15 minutes of fame.
Here is a link to the article: Portland Press Herald Version

And here is the photo that ran with it. Some fun things we noticed about this photo are:
1. Chris looks great, while Brenda looks....well....simple-minded is a nice way to put it.
2. Kate appears to have entered the Witness Protection Program.
3. Our famous Fish Pillow is making an appearance.
4. In her nervousness, Brenda is clutching both Fred and Scooby.
Staff photo by David Leaming
In all seriousness, this is obviously an important issue for us and we urge all of our readers who live in Maine to make sure they are registered to vote and to vote NO ON 1.


  1. ROFL! Brenda, you do not look simple minded, LOL. And I hadn't noticed the Fred and Scooby. Where's Velma and Daphne??

  2. Great article you guys! And I also don't think you look simple-minded Brenda. If I lived in Maine I would vote your way!

  3. That is a wonderful article. Way to go, you guys! Brenda and Christine look good in the photo, but it's too bad the girls pretty faces weren't showing. :) It kind of looks like you planned it that way, to protect their identity.

  4. Thanks for your support guys:) Jamie, if you are registered to vote in Washington you can help the cause by voting YES on Referendum 71...
    E, the photographer took about 50 pictures (we didn't get to see any of them) so we were just hoping that he got one of us smiling. The fact that the kids faces are kind of hidden is a bonus, even though we didn't ask for that.
