Tonight Chris, Brenda, and Amy headed back to Trivia Night at the pub, with a few new additions to the team (Nana stayed home with the kids--thanks Nana!). Grandma & Grandpa L. and Chris's friend Jen rounded out the trivia team, which we named "Super Sonic Transport", or SST.

The competition started off well, with a couple of easy ones first. Jen was a French major in college, and took the role of Team French Expert.

Grandpa and Grandma came through with lots of answers--it turns out they were Enumclaw champions before they moved to Maine!

During intermission Brenda tried out the Deer Hunter game......because, well, why not?

After intermission the drinks were flowing and SST just got better and better.

The final question was about knitting, of all things, and Amy was possibly the only person in the entire building who knew the answer. Yay Amy!

When the scores were added up and the winner announced, team SST had taken the victory!

The big payout came from the trivia pot-- $95 cash money.

We all walked away with a little cash (minus the cost of dinner and drinks, of course), and the satisfaction of a job well done.

Good job SST!
I have GOT to know what the final question was... LOL