Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Potty Training Round 2: Bribery

We have finally started getting serious about Kate's potty training. Check out her new svelte look (no diaper) in the photo below! Today was Day 1 and she wore underpants all day with only one accident. 
Contrary to her expression below, she actually enjoys using Ducka.Being Kate, she needed a little extra motivation in the form of food. Specifically, M&M's. She gets either two or four every time she does her business on the Duck (you can probably guess what the different amounts are for).Emily gets M&M's now too, even though she's been using the potty for almost six months. The promise of a little treat makes her much more cheerful when it's time to go. It turns out that candy is a great motivator!Both girls are very proud to be wearing panties instead of diapers, and we are very proud of them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the duck potty! That's a riot! M&Ms were the bribery candy of choice around here too. Good luck!
