Saturday, May 2, 2009

Preschool Spring Cleanup Day

Every Spring Emily's preschool holds a clean-up day, and parents are expected to come and help out. Today was the day, so we loaded up the kids and some tools and headed over to Fairfield. Since the wheelbarrow wouldn't fit in our car, it was also a great excuse to take the Bronco out for a spin!
Chris has volunteered to look after the school's orchard, and she's already been doing some pruning and other work. Today she wanted to work on the bases of the trees, and also plant the two little pear trees that she got at Fedco yesterday.
Right away the girls helped Mom take some measurements. They love to use the big tape measure. Kate especially likes to pretend like she's in charge.They really like having a job to do.Then Amy and Henning's family arrived, and Chris explained her vision for the orchard.Everyone listened carefully.

After all that measuring and listening, the kids needed a snack break.Kate actually shared some of her snack with Alison, which is pretty rare for Kate.

Then we finally got to work. Luke helped his dad cut holes around the trees........while Chris and Amy planted the new pears.The kids provided lots of supervision and pointers to the grownups (it is, after all, their school).Things moved along nicely. Chris's plan involved clearing the sod from the bases of the trees and replacing it with mulch.It was a lot of hard work but we all enjoyed doing it.Eventually the kids took another break and hit the playground.After a few hours of work and play, the kids were pretty worn out.It sure is nice to spend the morning being outdoors with your friends!

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