Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Deer Screens

Mama discovered recently that deer have been nibbling on her garden, and (even worse) on her baby apple trees! She used "deer potion" around the garden to keep them out of there, but needed a different solution for the trees.
So Mom made a Home Depot run and put together some deer screens. Emily wondered what bad thing the trees had done to make Mom have to put them in jail...


  1. Hi guys! We experimented with Plantskydd, an organic spray, on an apple tree and blueberry bush. No nibbles, and the plants actually look healthier than the others!

  2. Thanks! I'll have to see if that's around here. Right now I am using Invisible Fence, which is a gross smelling, rotten egg mixture that you spray around and on plants. It's a pain and the sprayer clogged so I got a new spray bottle. It's effectiveness is decreased with rain and we have had a very wet summer...
