Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Noah and Leo

Tonight we went over to Noah and Leo's house for a playdate. Noah is one of Emily's friends from school, and Leo is his little brother. Leo and Kate are both scheduled to start preschool in the same class this Fall.
They had lots of fun toys! Kate got all wrapped up in the Thomas train set and forgot she was supposed to be playing with the other kids.Noah and Leo's Mom made us a delicious dinner, then we set the kids loose while the adults chatted.Em loves playing with new toys (what kid doesn't?). Here she is taking Noah's mom's blood pressure.We had so much fun that the time just flew by until bedtime!Emily and Kate are excited to have Noah and Leo come and visit us next time.


  1. Wow you guys are fast!!! We barely have the boys to bed!! We all had such a great time and the boys fell asleep talking about Emily and Kate!!! Now off to watch the Tour...

  2. Hilary our kids had a great time too. When I was putting Kate to bed I asked if she had fun at Noah and Leo's house, and she said "more Mom, more. Right NOW." So that would be a yes :)
