Today was Emily's first gymnastics class! Kate isn't quite old enough yet, so we dropped her off at Grandma and Pop Pop's house, then we headed for Augusta.

The class is at the same facility where she took the three-year-olds "Mom and Me" class last year that she loved. This one is supposed to be for four- and five-year-olds, but it's the only one offered on Saturdays so we signed up anyway, even though her fourth birthday isn't for another four months.

In this class, the parents watch from the viewing area instead of running around with the kids. Emily was a little nervous at the start, but once she spied Mom in the viewing area, she was fine.

There are two instructors in the class, and Emily did a great job of listening and following their directions. It's obvious that she has learned a lot about that kind of thing in her first few months of preschool.

Even though she's probably the youngest kid in the class, she is also one of the tallest.

Emily absolutely loves gymnastics. She like trying fun new things, like "mountain climbing"...
....running "Zig Zags" through cones....

...running and launching off a springboard....

....and even climbing a cargo net!

Then, of course, there are her old favorites, like taking big jumps....

...and doing chin-ups on a bar.

The first class went great, and Em can't wait until next week when she gets to do it again!
I don't think she could look any happier :) Very cool.