Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Gymnastics Class

Today we started a new gymnastics class.  The one Emily had been going to in Augusta ended, and we decided to try one at our local YMCA. This class has two nice advantages:  it meets on Saturdays (so Brenda can take the girls), and they accept younger kids, so Kate can go too! Grandma and Grandpa L. decided to come to the first class also.
Emily really liked showing Kate how to use all the equipment. They both jumped in and started bouncing around right away.Emily liked the "obstacle course" part of the class, where they had to crawl through a tunnel.This class had more sitting around and waiting than Emily's other class, and this was kind of hard for the girls. They are toddlers, and they want to wiggle and jump!  They tried their best to wait their turns though.

Kate liked this balance beam a lot. The other beams were higher, and she was nervous about walking on them, but this one was just right.Emily is a veteran at the bar apparatus, and she showed off some of her moves.

Kate isn't quite as experienced as Emily, but she sure tried!

Their favorite part of all was jumping into the big pit of foam cubes. It looked so fun, even mom wanted to jump in!The girls really liked the class, so we're going to keep doing it!

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