Thursday, December 11, 2008

Winter Storm Warning

The weather has been crazy lately...on Tuesday morning it was 5 degrees, and Wednesday morning it was 52 degrees!  At this moment it is 22 degrees, and a Winter Storm Warning is in effect. Chris and her brother David were on the phone all day, discussing the forecast and comparing data and observations (he is in New Hampshire).  
Chris was so excited about the weather that we all got keyed up.  The girls are hoping for a big blizzard.As of 7:30 tonight we only have about 1/2 inch of snow, and freezing rain is falling.  The forecast calls for 3-5 inches of snow, but significant ice accumulation also.  This is one of those nights where Chris will probably be up several times checking the weather and comparing it to the NOAA broadcast.  Meanwhile, Brenda will try to sleep.  Fun!

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